Tillhör du de 3,25% rikaste?

Marxismen är ett omätligt sofistikerat, nyanserat och djupt ämne, fullt av otroliga insikter, men samtidigt kan det sammanfattas mycket enkelt: samhällsstrukturen bör inte byggas för att tillgodose privat strävan efter profit utan för att verka till allas bästa. Därför röstar jag rödare rött!

Beror det på din politiska affiliering, på att du tillhör de 3,25% rikaste eller på att du är ignorant, att du diskvalificerar kommunismen? Eller är det så att du helt enkelt inte orkar förklara ordets innebörd för alla som förknippar det med auktoritära centralistiska socialistregimer? Isåfall – ge inte upp!

Vad innebär kommunism? Det är ett klasslöst samhälle där staten avskaffats och ersatts med autonoma men samverkande kommuner som äger och förvaltar de gemensamma produktionsmedlen (i den syndikalistiska varianten förvaltas dessa istället av dem som arbetar i produktionen). Ekonomisk demokrati råder och alla bidrar efter förmåga i proportion till produktionsbehovet och får efter behov i proportion till tillgången. Allt är fullständigt jämställt och jämlikt och utanförskap finns inte.

Kommunism har hittills aldrig införts eftersom modellen kräver att alla länder inför kommunismen samtidigt. Vägen till kommunismen är socialism och det är socialism med varierande grad av centralism som funnits i t.ex. det forna östblocket.

Kommunism som ideologi är baserad på en idealiserad människosyn, som utgör grunden för visionen om den mognare människan och det mognare samhället. Att kommunism är närmast hopplöst att realisera i vår samtid torde vara uppenbart, kanske är det även naivt att försöka — men… att inte ens försöka är att kapitulera inför ståndpunkten att människorna är och förblir brutala vildar, om än i snyggare kläder. I takt med vetenskapliga framsteg utvecklas dessutom både socialismen och den konceptuella kommunismen.

Steget till att hävda att kommunism (n.b. som aldrig har införts) eller för den delen socialism (vägen till kommunism) ligger till grund för storskaligt dödande är oöverstigligt stort (istället utgör socialismen grunden för välfärden). McCarthyism (i en liberalkonservativ kontext) brukar man benämna spridandet av desinformation om kommunism och förföljelse av kommunister.

PS. Låt mig föreslå att de som inte är bekanta med dagens idéer om kommunism läser:

  • Varat och Intet (Sartre),
  • Eldorado (Voltaire),
  • Kapitalet (Marx),
  • Stat och Revolution kap. 5 (Lenin),
  • Chomsky’s Anarchism (Chomsky),
  • Feminism utan gränser (Mohanty),
  • Välfärd utan tillväxt (Jackson),
  • Politisk Religion (Jping Zuo)

The anti-imperialist struggle and environmental issues: lessons of Thomas Sankara in Burkina Faso

After an article in Portuguese by
Ellen Monielle 2020-05-07

”The fight against desertification is a fight against imperialism. Imperialism is the incendiary of our forests and savannahs.” – Thomas Sankara

Thomas Sankara was the central leader of the popular and democratic revolution in the country Burkina Faso in West Africa from 1983 to 1987. In the early 1980s, Alto Volta — as the country was known until Sankara changed its name in 1984 — , a former French colony, faced a severe fiscal crisis, along with a political crisis. In this context, Sankara, defender of anti-imperialism and anti-colonialism, emerged as a spokesman for all African peoples who fought for better living conditions and against neocolonial oppression.
Moreover, it recognized the link between capitalist mode of production and consumption and environmental degradation. Taking into account the context of the time, Thomas Sankara was the first African president to perceive and recognize the protection of the environment as an emergency synonym, engaging in three main fights: against forest fires; against the wandering of cattle; and, finally, against the illegal cutting of firewood.
And so, when he took power in 1983, at the age of only 33, Sankara placed water, trees and life as fundamental and sacred elements in all the actions of the National Council of the Revolution (CNR), a congregation that led Burkina Faso. In addition, he created the committees for the Defense Of The Revolution (CDRs), formed by civil groups responsible for spreading the ideals of the revolution throughout the country’s villages. In this sense, it is the beginning of a revolutionary experience fueled by the desire for independence and the fight against imperialism.

In Sankara’s view, it was unacceptable to associate the African continent as an appendix of Western history. In this way, he vigorously defended in his speech the African search for greater self-sufficiency, reporting that it was time to “produce in Africa, transform in Africa and consume in Africa”. For this, in an arid country like Burkina Faso, being self-sufficient, in line with Sankara himself, meant the need to be environmentally sustainable.

“Imperialism is a system of exploitation that occurs not only in the brutal form of those who come with weapons to conquer territory. Imperialism often occurs in more subtle forms, such as a loan, food aid, blackmail. We are fighting against this system that allows a handful of men on Earth to rule all of humanity.” – Thomas Sankara

Therefore, Thomas Sankara made the protection and reforestation of Trees his priority and at events such as weddings, baptisms and visits of important personalities, it was celebrated with a planting ceremony. In addition to that the planting of trees should also be applied during international political summits or in the presentation of credibility letters to ambassadors.
In this perspective, ten million trees were planted under Burkina Faso in just fifteen months as part of a popular development program aimed at combating desertification. In the villages and valleys of the rivers, families were to plant a hundred trees a year in a vast operation called “popular harvest of Forest Seeds”, in order to supply the 7,000 nurseries.
In the national effort to reduce the consumption of firewood and to greet the New Year of 1986, all the children and students of the capital of Burkina Faso, Ouagadugu, built more than 3,500 improved stoves with their own hands, offering them to the mothers of the city. Thus, the cutting and sale of firewood were completely reorganized and strictly regulated. And as for the fires, all the criminal acts of burning were subject to trial and sanction by the people’s Courts of conciliation in the villages, and still, it is worth noting that the requirement to plant a certain number of trees was one of the sanctions issued by these courts.
In addition to this, it is necessary to recognize its commitment to family farming and food sovereignty.

Sankara yearned for food self-sufficiency and questioned:
“Where is imperialism? Look at your dishes when you eat. Rice and imported corn; that’s imperialism. To avoid this, let’s try to eat what we control.”

It therefore embraced agrarian reform to support small rural producers and cereal production, which before 1983 was close to 1.1 billion tonnes, rose to 1.6 billion tonnes in 1987. According to Jean Ziegler, former UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food, “Thomas Sankara overcame hunger. It made Burkina Faso self-sufficient in four years.”

Finally, Sankara illustrated how society’s resources are required to improve the lives of the majority, rather than benefit the enrichment of the minority. His example threatened the power of the presidents of the region and, more generally, the French presence in Africa, thus leading to his murder. Soon, Thomas Sankara awakened the African population to an anti-imperialist message and restoration of national honor, mainly through its environmental protection policies, after two decades of disillusionment and post-independence neocolonialism.


B., Amber. Thomas Sankara: Imperialism is the Arsonist of our Forests and Savannas. 2018: https://anti-imperialism.org/2018/02/26/thomas-sankara-imperialism-is-the-arsonist-of-our-forests-and-savannas/.

DEMBÉLÉ, Demba Moussa. Thomas Sankara: an endogenous approach to development. Pambazuka News 651, 2013: https://www.thomassankara.net/thomas-sankara-an-endogenous-approach-to-development/?lang=en.

JAFFRÉ, Bruno. Thomas Sankara, precursos de lutas de hoje. 2013: http://www.thomassankara.net/thomas-sankara-precursos-de-lutas-de-hoje/.

LEPIDI, Pierre. Thomas Sankara, l’immortel. 2019: https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2019/12/31/thomas-sankara-l-immortel_6024468_3212.html.

OUDET, Maurice. L’héritage de Sankara sur les questions de l’écologie et de l’environnement. 2012: https://www.pambazuka.org/fr/pan-africanism/lh%C3%A9ritage-de-sankara-sur-les-questions-de-l%C3%A9cologie-et-de-lenvironnement.

RIDDELL, John. Exhuming Thomas Sankara: Anti-Imperialism in Burkina Faso, 1983–87. 2017: https://johnriddell.com/2017/08/18/exhuming-thomas-sankara-anti-imperialism-in-burkina-faso-1983-87/.

SANTOS, Gabriel. Em memória de Thomas Sankara, um revolucionário. 2019: https://esquerdaonline.com.br/2019/10/17/em-memoria-de-thomas-sankara-um-revolucionario/.



ANG TUNAY NA PAGMAHAL AY ANG KUMBINASYON NG MGA ITO: Affectio, Philia, Agape, Eros, Coeus, Fiducia, Respectu

* Affectio – ang umaaliw na Pag-ibig na binubuo ng oras, para sa mga magulang, lolo’t lola, magkakapatid, kasosyo, mga anak, mga apo at mga pangmatagalang tunay na kaibigan

* Philia – ang mainit at magiliw na Pag-ibig na namamahagi at nagagalak

* Agape – ang kapatid na Pag-ibig na mahabagin at naghahai

* Eros – ang nagnanais na katawan Pag-ibig na mainit at kasiya-siya

* Coeus – ang intelektwal na Pag-ibig, na nag-uugnay sa Intelligence at Feel

* Fiducia – upang magtiwala, ang kaalaman na ang ibang tao ay hindi kailanman magpapanumbalik ng iyong mga lihim o gamitin ang mga ito sa anumang paraan nang wala ang iyong kasunduan

* Respectu – naiiba kami sa bawat isa – paggalang na, maging bukas ang loob at hindi humahatol kahit na nagtatanong ka ng isang bagay, ang debate at diskusyon ay kadalasang nangunguna sa isang lugar. Sinusubukang ipatupad ang pagbabago o kahit na mang-insulto sa bawat iba pang mga leads walang pinanggalingan.

PS. Ang tunay na pag-ibig ay ang lahat ng ito ngunit maaari sa isang mas maikling kahulugan ay tinukoy bilang: Pag-ibig, Tiwala, Paggalang at Lust. Ang isang maliit na bit kalabisan, ngunit maliwanag

Good and evil. Right and wrong.

What society?

This is a good way to start.



Evil is everything that cause

  • inability to fulfill the metabolic requirements and need of shelter
  • physical harm
  • physical and psychological pain
  • disability
  • death
  • ignorance

Good is everything that is not evil. To what extent something is good is subjective. However compassion and solidarity are objective foundations of good.

Ethic is motivation based on the idea of objective moral values (e.g. the golden rule). Typically ethics strive to maximize good and minimize evil.

Moral is motivation based on ideas of right and wrong. Such ideas are defined within a cultural and religious context, hence moral is subjective.

Legislation tends to be based on moral, therefore the resulting laws often are unethical.

Morality is the ability to distinguish right or good conduct from wrong or evil conduct.

High moral is when individuals mindlessly follow orders and laws (people tend to fall into line when they hear an authoritative voice).


My ideology

Sin is to fail to conform to religious morals. The idea of sin is evil.

Crime is to fail to conform to laws. The idea of crime is wether good nor evil.

Wether a sin or a crime is evil or good depends on which law it breaks.

There are evil punishment practices that should never be used. These include mutilation, capital punishment and public shaming.

All humans are born good. Society forms evil citizens by allowing injustice, allowing disproportional egoism and by failing to see the needs of mentally and physically disabled. Thus the main objective for correction centers should be mental care and social training.

The human species has evolved over a very long time. The conditions have changed since we lived in small tribes at the river banks. Many rules have been invented with the purpose to gain power over fellow citizens. It is time to get rid of such rules. Rules of a modern society should protect the individual from evil. Period.



From ancient Greece:

  • Anti nationalism
  • In favor of city states
  • All adults are the parents of all children

From the French revolution:

  • Equality
  • Liberty
  • Solidarity

From the French libertines:

  • Naturism
  • Indiscrimination
  • Promiscuity

From the political arena:

  • Direct democracy
  • Common welfare
  • Common wellness

Ethics and science:

  • Secularism
  • Evolutionism
  • Skepticism


Final words

Life is about making the world a better place. The first step is to learn open mindedness, tolerance and compassion.

  • Love is the law, love under will.
  • Nudity must never be associated with sex.
  • Seeing violence is harmful.
  • Seeing public affection (including sex) is edifying.
  • Animals, plants and earth must be treated with respect.
  • Pain caused to prevent a greater evil is in itself not evil (e.g. surgery and dentistry).
  • We all have a responsibility to provoke each other to reflect and engage in discussion.
  • Theism is never true and science is not always giving answers. That makes philosophy the most important and interesting field of study.
  • Art in all its forms (including mathematics) has a very important role in society:
    – Art shall provoke and raise questions.
    – Art shall comfort and provide harmony.
    – Art shall illustrate and enlighten.

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